Thursday, April 30, 2009

Miss America: Making intelligent women inwardly cringe since 1921

Look out gays, she's "defending marriage!"
Nevermind the fact that the biggest defense marriage needs is against divorce, period. (Remember that pesky 50% divorce rate?  It MUST be the gays' fault--everything else is.)
Here's another fun little tidbit:
Contestant Alicia-Monique Blanco of Phoenix, when asked if the US should enact universal healthcare, responded:
"I think this is an issue of integrity regardless of which end of the political spectrum that I stand on.  I've been raised in a family to know right from wrong, and politics, whether or not you fall in the middle, the left or the right, it's an issue of integrity, whatever your opinion is and I say that with the upmost [sic] conviction."
How can it possibly require that many words to say NOTHING?  That's a classic non-answer for the books, to be sure.  Was she trained by former White House Press Secretary Dana Perrino?
Both of these examples are indicative of a trend that seems to grow and grow:  the dumbest among us tend to be the most vocal.  Meanwhile, feminists everywhere pound their heads against walls.  But why should ignorant, purposeless women such as these be representative of any of the rest of us?  I refuse to sit idly by while idiots such as Miss California spew hate speech and call it "just their opinion" as if her right to free speech makes her less of a bitch.
Alright, I've put in my two cents. (*exhale*)


Ahmadinejad's no saint, but...

It amazes me that UN officials think that putting the next UN conference on racism in a smaller venue is going to make a difference in the rhetoric that inevitably ensues about Israel when these events are held.  It's so sadly laughable.  WHY WHY WHY must Israel be so protected?  They whine about being singled out, as if blameless in this scenario.  There are great numbers of Israelis who do not agree with their own government's treatment of Palestinians and Israeli settlements within Palestine.  Yet it seems none of these people matter to their government.  It was wrong for the US to boycott the conference--while I understand it was to make a so-called point, it was the wrong point and sent the wrong message.  I'm so tired of the US supporting Israel as if blind to the injustice of Israel's actions.  The whole world knows Jews have been persecuted for eons, but that doesn't make it any more legitimate for them to persecute Palestinians. As Steve Crawshaw of Human Rights Watch in New York said, "Multilateral diplomacy is by its very nature a complicated business. But the way to make this better is to engage consistently, not to stamp your foot and walk out in a sulk."


Have thoughts, will post!

No, I'm not dead, I swear.

We had a downsizing which directly affected my department at work, so we're quite busy (be thankful to have a job, right?), which doesn't leave me much time to blog lately.  But alas, things will settle down, and I'll post more regularly again.  Promise.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

An Open Letter to Gary Kiser, AUS Retired

"What business is it of yours if a soldier or marine comes home under a draped coffin? When he or she dies, they are no longer yours to worry about. They are given back to the family...and if the family approves you can gawk at their mis-fortune all you want. What's the matter with you?"

-Gary Kiser
AUS Retired

This was in response to my post.
Gary, how can you honestly ask what business it is of mine if a soldier comes home under a draped coffin? If you call yourself a human being, then it's your business, I don't care who you are. This isn't spurred by some twisted need for "reality entertainment" or to "gawk," as you called it. Besides, what I'm referring to is the footage of the fallen being unloaded at Dover, which is before they are delivered to their families. Their families grieve, and so should we. How can you as a fellow citizen of this great nation not want the severity of the situation understood by everyone? Because I can tell you, there is a very real disconnect between Joe Public and the soldiers who are out there putting their lives on the line, and their families praying for them at home. People truly take it for granted, and it makes me sick. I view the military with the utmost respect because I know I don't possess that level of courage, and we all should thank our lucky stars that they're willing to give up everything voluntarily to protect us. Valor and honor don't even begin to describe them aptly. So I say to you, what is the matter with you? How can you expect people not to CARE? This isn't just politics--the political decisions are made but we so often do not see the real cost. There are still so many people who can't even be bothered to VOTE! People need to understand that these bodies are the cost of political decisions, and we as American citizens have a responsibility to EACH OTHER and to our NATION to take it seriously and be educated about it--or at the very least, to pay attention.