Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Barry Goldwater...a useful blast from the past
Photo coutesy of:
At the request of a self-proclaimed "Goldwater Republican" friend, I recently viewed Mr. Conservative:  Goldwater on Goldwater.  I must say, I was pleasantly surprised.  Although Senator Goldwater would probably (to paraphrase Walter Cronkite) roll over in his grave, I almost hesitatingly would categorize Goldwater as a liberal of his time and ours.  He himself pointed out that years into the future, his views might be considered as such, but who knew just how right he was?  Most "right-wing" Republicans of today would likely view Goldwater with distaste, as he was essentially pro-choice and pro-gay rights.  But what I found Senator Goldwater to be--most of all--was principled.  His views came from experience (as his own daughter had made the difficult choice to have an abortion) and from a strict interpretation of the The Constitution.  He was against gays in the military for a time, but as he grew older and wiser, had the good sense and humility to change his mind on the matter and admit such publicly on Larry King's cable TV show.  Goldwater was refreshing because he spoke his mind plainly, without reservation.  Obviously some had a problem with his rhetoric, but many also found him to be a breath of fresh air in a political world of smog--which is likely why he excited the youth vote so much.

The one thing I couldn't get past, was his stance on the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  I know that it was borne of his strict interpretation of The Constitution and state's rights, and I can see where he's coming from in that sense, but on the other hand, nothing in this life of ours is black and white--as much as we'd like to believe it is.  There are simply times when it isn't.  In the very manner in which Goldwater could change his mind on gay rights, I believe he could or should have changed it on civil rights for blacks.

All in all, Mr. Conservative:  Goldwater on Goldwater was a great documentary with a surprising amount of commentary from today's left-wingers.  I can honestly say I didn't expect that!  If you can, make the effort to watch it.  It'll certainly make you think about the Republican party of today with a sense of wonder at how they've made a complete 180, if nothing else. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The joy of ready-made templates!

Since I am apparently having trouble sleeping tonight (this night which is fast becoming morning), I got the bright idea to visit my long-forgotten blog. Lo and behold, there are lovely new templates available, customizable to the hilt! Well gee, what an excellent reason to screw around for hours and then write a completely pointless post about how I screwed around for hours! And you're reading it. Loser.

But really, it's great to see all of these gorgeous templates that are so easy for anyone to use, that literally, a child could do it. It's great in the sense that if you don't really want to learn about html coding, you don't have to. By all means, customize away! But, the possibility exists for you to modify the html of your own blog if you are so inclined. For kids who are just figuring out what they want to do when they're big grown-upz, this may pique a curiosity or two and lead them toward studying web design.

And I think that's neat-o.

Another random thought--since I'm unemployed now, I really have no reason to ignore my poor, lonely blog. If my blog were a human, it would be covered in hair and smell quite awful at this point from severe lack of attention.

Yeah, definitely time for some sleep now. G'night...